Adding Custom Column Header Images and Titles

By default, the main table shows the name of the field in the headers of the column, and for some fields, like `Local-Url' and `Url', it shows an icon or a symbol. Sometimes you might want more columns to show images in the header to identify the column, for example if you have added custom Local File or Remote URL fields in the Custom Types and Fields.

You can add your own custom image to use in the table column header. Let's say you have added a custom Remote URL field called `Citeseerurl', and you want the header for the corresponding column to show an image which you have put at the location `/Users/YourName/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/CiteSeer.png'. For Bibdesk to use this image, quit BibDesk and enter the following command in Terminal (exclude the outer double quotes): "defaults write -app BibDesk BDSKTableHeaderImages -dict-add Citeseerurl "/Users/YourName/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/CiteSeer.png"" then hit return. You can add as many field name/image path pairs as you like. When the file name without extension ends with "Template", the image will be dynamically colored, for instance it will be white in Dark Mode. If you do not want to image where by default one is used, you can set an empty sytring for the path in the above command.

Similarly, you can also replace the default field name by a title of your own choice, such as the `@' symbol for the `Url' field. For this, follow the same procedure as for images, but use the key BDSKTableHeaderTitles instead, and write the title to appear in the header instead of the image path.

Note fields such as `Abstract' and `Annote' display a fixed image in the cells in order to indicate whether the field is set, displaying the text in a tool tip. You can apply your own custom cell images for other fields. This is done the same way as setting a custom header image for the field, except for using the preference key "BDSKTableCellImages".