Editing Global Macro Definitions

BibDesk can maintain a separate store of macro definitions which are not associated with a particular document. Many users store their `@string' definitions in a separate file, or perhaps maintain abbreviated and full versions of the definitions. Unfortunately, BibDesk doesn't know about the relationships between these files, so the macros are only shown in their abbreviated form unless they are added to the global macro definitions.

Macro definitions can also be found in bibliography style files (`.bst' extension), such as this example from `apalike.bst':

MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"}

These definitions, along with `@string' definitions, can be copied and pasted or dragged into the global macro editor window. In fact, you can paste the entire contents of a `.bst' or `.bib' file into the window, and it will extract the relevant parts for you!

If you want to add these definitions to a file, you can copy and paste or drag and drop them into a document's macro editor as well (see Editing a Document's Macro Definitions for more details). A document's definitions will always override the global definitions, in case of a conflict.

You can also add a collection of files from which global macro definitions will be read on startup. You will not see those macros in the macro editor, but they will be used when no other macro definition is found in the document or the global macros. You can add are either bibliography files (`.bib' extension) or bibliography style files (`.bst' extension). To add files from which global macros are read, click the "Files..." button in the Defaults preference pane.